Gilkey Parents’ Club
Gilkey Parents Club (GPC)
The Gilkey Parents Club (GPC) is a volunteer team of parents, educators, staff members and committed adults who aim to enrich the educational and social experience of all Gilkey Elementary students and their families. Any Gilkey Elementary staff person, parent, guardian or related adult is invited to be a member of the Gilkey Parents’ Club.
Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month in the Library at Gilkey from 6:00–7:00 PM with free child care provided in the teacher’s lounge.
What We Do
September: Rock the Block Fundraiser
October: Teacher Meals for Conferences and Book Fair
November: Teacher Mini Grants
December: Santa Shop and Popcorn Fundraiser
February: Love your Teacher
April: Earth Day Event and Gilkey Scholarship
May: Teacher Appreciation Week, BOGO Book Fair, Spring Fling and 5th Grade Celebration
Ongoing Events
Staff Birthdays
Teacher Wish List
Food Donations (Staff Luncheons and Other Events)
How You Can Help:
Volunteer time during an event (usually 1-3 hours)
Purchase food/school supplies
Donate money towards event materials or supplies