Driver's Education
UPDATED: 0 1/2025
Next Segment session will be April 14
(at this time we are unable to offer a February session)
Next Segment II Session will be January 28, 29, 30
See information below.
Questions? Contact:
Segment I
Terms: In Order To Take And Pass Driver Training, A Student Must:
Sign-Up using the online payment system of Revtrak with $350:
An email confirmation will be sent from Revtrak confirming your enrollment into the class/drive group you picked.Be 14 yrs & 8 months old at least by the start of class (verification by birth certificate may be required at by first class session).
Attend and pass 24 hours of classroom and 6 hours of behind – the- wheel instruction.
Must have proof of an eye test showing visual acuity is at least 20/40 corrected, within the last year before class starts.
Class and Group Assignments:
Please see a copy of the calendar before signing up.
Class will run mostly Monday - Thursday, 2:30 – 4:30 pm for three weeks. Drive times will be scattered throughout the session; mostly after school with some on a Saturday.
Classroom time is set up with a sequential order of lessons that should not be taken out of order.
Students who are late or absent may result in dismissal.
According to State Law: PA 384 of 2006, time missed must be made up within the current session but the student can only attend two hours a day. This makes it very hard to reschedule a class time and may result in students having to re-enroll and pay again.
It is important to look at the classroom dates on the calendar before signing up.
If a student is absent from driving, that time must be made up. We can usually find time for one switch/make-up drive during the program if the absence is planned in advance with the instructor. An additional $50 fee will be assessed. Conflicts should be discussed prior to signing up.
$350 is due when signing up. Students who drop out of the program after singing up will not be entitled to ANY refund unless a replacement student can be found prior to the start of class.
Check the dates BEFORE signing up.
Replacement permits cost $5.
SEGMENT I CLASSES: Rm. 414 - Mr. Badalamente
Click on the link for a full calendar of class and drive times - (when posted)
Class: 2:30-4:30 M-Th for most sessions in Rm 414.
Class: April 14th.
Class: M - Th; 2:30 - 4:30
Drive group is picked at sign up.
Note some drives run into October
Drive time calendar for Oct/Nov Session
RevTrak Sign-Up & Payment System (~ 30 days prior)
Sign-Up Form Seg I - to be turned in AFTER you have signed up on revtrak.
Segment II
Terms: In Order To Take And Pass Driver Training II, A Student Must:
1. Sign-Up and Pay on Revtrak, then return the application form to the athletic high school office.
Note: A confirmation email will be sent you from Revtrak with the email you have on file.
2. Have possessed a level one license for not less then 90 days by the first day of class.
3. Attend and pass 6 hours of classroom instruction.
4. Have completed 30 hrs of driving (including two hours at night) with a licensed parent/guardian or designee.
5. Show level one license when turning in this form..
Class and Group Assignments:
(limited space – get forms in at the start of the sign-up!)
Class size is limited by state regulations; so sign up early!!!
Once you sign up online you are guaranteed a spot.
Once the class is filled, the sign-up period is closed!
Due to the short time that this class is held, NO absences are allowed.
$50 is due when signing up. Students who drop out of the program after they are enrolled will not be entitled to ANY refund unless a replacement student can be found prior to the start of class. We are a nonprofit program. In order to keep our cost to you low, we count on a full class of paid students. Check the dates BEFORE signing up.
Replacement permits cost $5.
2:30 - 4:30, Room 414 - Mr. Badalamente
Must attend all three days.
January 28, 29, 30.
RevTrak Sign-Up & Payment System - (~ 30 days prior)
Sign-Up Form Seg II - Turn in AFTER you have signed up on Revtrak.