Plainwell's Play-and-Learn

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About PCS Play-&-Learn Program
Our monthly Play-and-Learn program is for parents and children ages birth to five years. These monthly playgroups are designed for children to come explore their developmental domains: communication, fine motor, gross motor, personal/social and problem solving skills! Information related to early childhood topics will be shared at each playgroup, as well as, connections to community resources. A free book and snack are also provided at every playgroup for each child. For upcoming program schedules, please see below under 2024-25 Great Start Family Event Dates.
If you have any questions or need any additional resources, please contact our Family Coach, Kelli Stuifbergen, at 269-512-7722 or For information from our Great Start Collaborative, please visit:
2024-25 Great Start Family Event Dates
Talking is Teaching Schedule
Great Start Family Coalition

“These early childhood materials were developed under a grant awarded by the Michigan Department of Education.”