PHS TRACK INVITATIONAL: The Wayland Varsity Track Invitational that was scheduled for today (Friday, April 15) has been canceled.
almost 3 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of track with the Wayland varsity invitational scheduled for today (4/15) has been canceled.
JOHN BALL ZOO VISITS GILKEY: The Gilkey Geckos had some special visitors as the John Ball Zoo stopped by several classrooms today. The Zoo’s educational team brought along several animals for an up-close encounter where students were able to meet and learn about each animal. It was an amazing and memorable learning experience for all! The Zoo will return tomorrow to share more with the Gilkey Geckos.
almost 3 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
student meeting animal from John ball zoo
KINDERGARTEN ROUND-UP: Lots of fun was had at Cooper Elementary’s Kindergarten Round-up last night! If you were unable to attend, you can still join us for this special event to welcome the 2022-23 Kindergarteners to Plainwell Community Schools. Join us this evening (Thursday, April 14) at Starr Elementary for our Kindergarten Round-up (for children turning 5 years old prior to September 1, 2022). Students/ families can: Meet the staff, sign-up for academic screening, receive vision screenings (limited availability) and go on a "get to know your school" scavenger hunt. For more information and enrollment details, please visit
almost 3 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of student and principal at book vending machine
AIR ZOO: The Plainwell Middle School 7th grade students took a trip to the Air Zoo today. It was a great learning experience and a lot of fun for these students.
almost 3 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
middle school 7th graders at the air zoo
MENTOR OF THE YEAR: Recently, the Middle School Robotics team W.H.A.M. competed in Council Bluffs, Iowa at the CREATE U.S. Open Robotics Championship. At the event, the team had the opportunity to nominate a mentor for Mentor of the Year and they nominated Coach Joe Gentile. We are excited to share that the CREATE Foundation selected Coach Gentile as the recipient of their most prestigious award, which he received at the Robotics practice/celebration earlier this week. Congratulations Mr. Gentile - Plainwell Pride!
almost 3 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of Mr. Gentile and Mr. Montange with the mentor of the year award
PHS CHOIRS COLLAGE 2022: Mark your calendar to join us as Plainwell High School Choir presents "Collage 2022: A Senior Celebration" on Tuesday, May 3 at 7 PM. Join us for this free concert at the Plainwell Performing Arts Center featuring music from the PHS Choirs.
almost 3 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of sheet music and music notes with plainwell high school choir presents collage 2022 a senior celebration.  Tuesday may 3 at 7 pm.  free concert at the PAC featuring music from the phs choirs
PHS JV SOFTBALL: The JV softball game that was scheduled for today (Wednesday, April 13) at Colon has been canceled due to rain.
almost 3 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of softball with writing:  PHS JV SOFTBALL:  The JV softball game that was scheduled for today (Wednesday, April 13) at Colon has been canceled due to rain.
KINDERGARTEN ROUND-UP REMINDER: It was a great time at our first Kindergarten Round-up at Gilkey Elementary last night! If you were unable to attend, you still have two opportunities to join us for this special event to welcome the 2022-23 Kindergarteners to Plainwell Community Schools. Join us this evening (Wednesday, April 13) at Cooper Elementary or tomorrow (Thursday, April 14) at Starr Elementary for our Kindergarten Round-up (for children turning 5 years old prior to September 1, 2022). Students/ families can: Meet the staff, sign-up for academic screening, receive vision screenings (limited availability), enjoy bus rides and go on a "get to know your school" scavenger hunt. For more information and enrollment details, please visit
almost 3 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
PHS BOOSTER: The High School Booster is in need of a secretary for the 2022-23 school year. If you are interested in either joining the booster as a member or in the secretary role, please contact Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
Picture of sports equipment for Plainwell High School Boosters
SON DAY: Community Education is offering an evening of Sons and Magic for students K-6. Sons and their chaperones will be treated to a magic show with the very successful, funny and sly magician, Brian Penny. The themed photo booth, balloon artist, Scoop the Balloonatic and tricks and treats throughout the event are sure to create what sons will remember as their special day! The cost is $20 per couple ($10 for each additional child). To join us for this special event at the PAC, please register by visiting
almost 3 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
son day celebrate the sons of the community with a night of magic and entertainment for sons k-6th and their chaperones
TROJAN ATHLETIC CONGRATULATIONS: Congratulations to PHS Senior, Mackenzie Hill, on signing her letter of intent to the cross country and indoor & outdoor track programs at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse! We are incredibly proud of Mackenzie’s athletic achievements while at PHS and wish her all the best next year! From all of us at PCS, congratulations and best wishes to Mackenzie! Trojan pride!
almost 3 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
Picture of PHS Senior, Mackenzie H, signing her athletic intent
KINDERGARTEN ROUND-UP: Join us next week for a special event to welcome the 2022-23 Kindergarteners to Plainwell Community Schools at our Kindergarten Round-up (for children turning 5 years old prior to September 1, 2022). Students/ families can: Meet the staff, sign-up for academic screening, receive vision screenings (limited availability), enjoy bus rides and go on a "get to know your school" scavenger hunt. Three dates available from 4:30-6 PM: Tuesday, April 12 at Gilkey, Wednesday, April 13 at Cooper and Thursday, April 14 at Starr. For more information and enrollment details, please visit
almost 3 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
Plainwell community schools kindergarten round-up graphic:  April 12 at Gilkey, April 13 at Cooper and April 14 at Cooper.
DISNEY & UNIVERSAL BOUND: And they’re off! The PHS Band and Choir students are on their way to Orlando, where the students will be performing at Disney/Universal later this week!! Wishing these Trojans safe travels and a great experience while in Florida! 🎶
almost 3 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of band and choir students on bus to Orlando
GILKEY READING ASSEMBLY: The excitement for reading at Gilkey is contagious! During the month of March, their school participated in One School, One Book by reading The Lemonade War. They started the month by having a Zoom assembly and introducing their schoolwide book. During the month, the classes earned "lemons" by reading. Yesterday, they held their Lemonade War Champions Assembly. The winning classes that earned the most "lemons" in their classroom pitchers had the opportunity to pie some staff members in the face. What a great way to celebrate their reading efforts and have some fun prior to Spring Break! Way to go, Geckos!
almost 3 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
teacher and principal at Gilkey after assembly being pied in the face
STARR READERS: Students in Ms. Shooks first grade class at Starr Elementary had lots of fun throughout the month of March with guest readers. They had staff from Starr, the Middle School and the High School, as well as students, Ms. Shooks’ family, and community members visit to share their favorite books! The students loved it and it brought so much joy to their classroom.
almost 3 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
group first grade students from Starr pictured with principal Luckett
IT’S SPRING BREAK! As a reminder, there is no school from Friday, April 1-Friday, April 8 for Spring Break. We wish our students, staff and families a wonderful break filled with relaxation and happy memories! Have a great break and Go Trojans!
almost 3 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
Plainwell community schools spring break April 1-8, 2022
MIDDLE SCHOOL SUPPORTS UKRAINIAN REFUGEES: Over the last few weeks, Plainwell Middle School held a grade level contest to support Ukrainian Refugees. The goal was for each grade level to get the most pennies in their grade level jar and take points away from the other grades by adding silver coins to other grade level jars! This week, Student Council and Current Events Class students counted the money that was raised. Thank you to the Middle School students who raised over $1,800, this money will be donated to the World Central Kitchen, who is providing meals to over 2.5 million Ukrainian refugees. Way to go, Trojans!
almost 3 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
group of middle school students counting money for their fundraiser to support Ukrainian refugees
STARR SWIMMER: Congratulations to Starr Elementary fifth grader, Sophia VanHeest, who participated in the USA Swimming Michigan State Meet last weekend. At the competition, she placed: 3rd in the 100 Back, 2nd in the 500 Free, 2nd in the 50 back, 2nd in the 200 free and earned 1st place in 100 Free! Sophia is a State Champion! Way to go, Sophia! Plainwell Pride!
almost 3 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
Starr student on podium at state swim competition
MYWAY WRESTLING: Congratulations to Cooper Elementary third grade student, Lane Curry, who competed at the MYWAY (Michigan's Youth Wrestling Association) State Championship competition this past weekend and WON! Next up, Lane will go to the National competition on April 8th. Way to go, Lane and best wishes at Nationals! Plainwell pride!
almost 3 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of Cooper elementary 3rd grade student at MYWAY competition
MULTICULTURAL CLUB: Plainwell High School's Multicultural Club took a trip to the International Festival at Western Michigan University on Sunday (3/27) where the students enjoyed music, foods, traditional dances and fashions from many cultures from around the world. The trip provided a wonderful learning experience for these PHS students.
almost 3 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
group of PHS students at international festival at WMU