DUAL ENROLLMENT MEETING: Attention PHS students and families! You are invited to join us for the Dual Enrollment Meeting for 2022-23 School Year on Thursday, January 20 at 7pm. The meeting will be held via Zoom (please see meeting information below). Any student interested in dual enrolling for the 2022-23 school year should attend this meeting! Dual enrollment is an educational option for students to earn high school and college credit while at Plainwell High School. Dual enrollment allows high school students to take tuition-waived or reduced college courses while still in high school.
Ms. Deborah Coates from KVCC will be joining us!
If you are serious about dual enrollment for next year, it is imperative that you attend this meeting. Dual enrollment is a heavily student-driven program and requires students to be ready for college level academics and responsibilities.
Folders with important information will be available in Student Services beginning Monday, January 17th and should be picked up prior to the zoom meeting Thursday evening.
Meeting ID: 922 7450 7362
Passcode: tpW886