Student Services Center
The Student Services Office would like to remind our students and parents that our job is to advocate for students and to encourage success in and after high school. We would like to encourage parents to:
Contact the teacher first with concerns about assignments, grades, or student progress
Ask teachers for specific feedback and to offer specific recommendations
Seek additional help from teachers before or after school
Contact counselors when questions arise
Questions? AP Coordinator: Jessica Hembree,

Plainwell High School
684 Starr Road | Plainwell, MI 49080
Telephone: 269.685.9554
Our Staff
Emily Johnson, Counselor
Seniors - Last names A-L
A-G for all other grade levels
Use this link to make an appointment to see Mrs. Johnson (use your student email):Emily Johnson signup form
Brandy Wheeler, Counselor
9-11 Students-Last names H-O
Use this link to make and appointment to see Mrs. Wheeler (use your student email): Brandy Wheeler signup
Jessica Hembree, Counselor
Seniors - Last names M-Z
P-Z for all other grade levels
Use this link to make an appointment to see Mrs. Hembree (use your student email): Jessica Hembree signup form
Sue Gower, Student Services Coordinator
Susan Johnson, Registrar
Scott Glass, Social Worker (Part-time through referral only)
Schedule Change Form
Schedule change request form for 2024-25 school year (form accepts responses only from Plainwell student emails):
Schedule change request form for 2025-26 school year (form accepts responses only from Plainwell student emails):
Please note- no schedule changes are allowed after a trimester has begun.
The following changes are not allowed under any circumstances: teacher requests, lunch changes, a different order of classes to be with friends, etc.
You MUST watch your school email for a response from your counselor. Make sure to fill this form out with as much detail as possible.
College Information
Each fall, we invite several colleges and universities to visit Plainwell High School to talk to interested Juniors and Seniors. Check your emailed Daily Announcements in the fall for details so you can participate.
Other opportunities to pursue:
General Information
AP Testing Student Information
College Board
The College Board houses PSAT, SAT, and AP scores. Student accounts are self-created. Plainwell does not have access to the usernames or passwords. Students must contact the College Board if there are any account issues. The website is here:
Common Application
Many colleges require the Common App for college applications. The website is :
Community Service
Course Information
Dual Enrollment Information
Early College Allegan County (ECAC) Extra year of high school but graduate with an Associates Degree! Apply in 10th Grade.
Brochure from previous year
Earning High School Credit in Middle School
Letter of Recommendations
To request a letter of recommendation- first contact the recommender and ask permission.
Please complete this form
Contact the recommenders and let them know you have completed the form.
Make sure you plan ahead and give at least two weeks notice.
Meeting the Michigan Merit Curriculum Requirement
For questions regarding Division I & II eligibility go to their website:
Online Courses Contact Student Services for more information about online courses.
PALS (Peer Assistant Leaders)
Pathfinder-Free Career Platform Resource
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