Snow Day Procedures

November 1, 2021

Dear Parents:

As the pleasant weather of the past few months quickly departs, we must begin to prepare for another Michigan winter.  I thought it an appropriate time to review our district's procedures for addressing inclement weather as it relates to school delays and closures.

Closing school is a serious matter and many factors are considered during the decision making process.  First and foremost is the safety of our students whether they ride a bus, walk, drive themselves, or ride with others.

On mornings when snow, ice, or fog creates treacherous road conditions, the superintendent closely monitors weather conditions along with other superintendents in Allegan County.  Actions taken during the process include traveling district roads, consulting with county officials, reviewing the weather forecast and consulting with the transportation director.  The superintendent is responsible for making the final decision.

We use the following methods for announcing school delays and closures:

We recognize and respect that as parents, you are the final decision maker as to whether or not you feel it safe for your student to attend school based on your individual circumstances.  If you chose to keep your student home, please notify the school as you would for any other absence.

The decision to delay or close school is a difficult one and your understanding is greatly appreciated as we all work together to provide a safe, nurturing environment for everyone.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have additional questions.


Matthew J. M. Montange

Superintendent of Schools

For a printable copy of this letter, please click here.