7-12 GRADE VOLLEYBALL CLINIC: Join us at PHS for a volleyball clinic on June 4 run by Way Out West Volleyball for grades 7-12. - High School Session: 8:30-11 AM - Middle School Session: 11:15 AM-1:45 PM Cost is $10 per player. To register, please complete the registration at: https://forms.gle/4WfVwjWnFcErrxzg8.
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of volleyball and net with volleyball clinic for grades 7-12 written
STARR FIELD TRIP: The 5th grade classes from Starr Elementary went to Battle Creek Outdoor Education Center in Clear Lake last week where they enjoyed various activities - rock climbing, collecting/studying/classifying macro-invertebrates and map-reading/building shelters. It was a great time with lots of team-building for the students. What a great experience for these Rock Starrs!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
Starr students arriving at their field trip
MUSICAL REVUE 2022: Join us tomorrow (Wednesday, June 1) at 7 PM as the Plainwell High School Choirs' Present Musical Revue 2022: A Tribute to Stephen Sondheim. Enjoy a free concert featuring music and lyrics written by Stephen Sondheim from Broadway musicals such as "Into The Woods," "West Side Story," "Sweeny Todd" and more!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
music revue 2022 presented by phs choirs
MEMORIAL DAY: Today we remember and honor those who selflessly served our country - THANK YOU for your service and dedication! 🇺🇸
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of American flag with happy Memorial Day remember and honor written
CLASS OF 2022 GRADUATION: It's been 24 hours since the Class of 2022 graduation and we are still excited about this awesome night celebrating our seniors. The weather provided a perfect evening at Streidl Field to honor our Class of 2022 at their commencement ceremony. We are incredibly proud of the graduating class for all of the hard work and dedication to their education during their time at PHS! Thank you for allowing Plainwell Community Schools to be a part of your educational journey - Trojan Pride!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
class of 2022 graduation - seniors throwing their caps
VARSITY BASEBALL: The varsity baseball game at Edwardsburg that was scheduled for today (Friday, May 27) has been canceled.
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of baseball, glove and bat that says phs varsity baseball
PCS FAMILIES - HAVE YOU VERIFIED YOUR INFINITE CAMPUS PARENT PORTAL CONTACT INFORMATION RECENTLY? If not, it's as easy as 1-2-3! Please take a moment to complete these steps so that we can continue to provide communications with your family. 1. LOG-IN TO INFINITE CAMPUS ACCOUNT - Log into the parent portal at https://plainwellschools.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/parents/plainwell.jsp. 2. VERIFY YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION - Verify or update your families' contact information - addresses, phone numbers, secondary contacts, etc. and submit request through Infinite Campus portal. 3. SEND DOCUMENTATION - Once the request is complete, please send documentation (if needed) to docs@plainwellschools.org. Thank you for taking the time to verify your contact information, it is greatly appreciated!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
PCS contact information update - see post for details
HELPING OUR COMMUNITY: Earlier this week, Plainwell Middle School National Junior Honors Society and Eco Club students spent their afternoon beautifying Hicks Park with the help of staff and volunteers from the City of Plainwell. Students received a quick lesson on how to plant flowers before getting their hands dirty by planting annuals, weeding and picking up trash. Thank you for your hard work to beautify our amazing community - Plainwell Pride!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of middle school students working at Hicks Park in Plainwell
COOPER GIRLS ON THE RUN: Cooper Elementary had three teams participate in the Girls on the Run Celebration 5k run last weekend. It was a great day and lot of fun for the runners! Way to go, Koalas!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
cooper elementary students at girls on the run event
VOLLEYBALL CAMP: Have you heard? The PHS Volleyball team is hosting a Youth Volleyball Camp! Students 1st-12th are invited to join the PHS Volleyball team for a four day Youth Volleyball Camp from June 13-16! Cost is $50 per athlete. Times are as following: - 9th - 12th Grade: 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM - 1st - 4th Grade: 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM - 5th - 8th Grade: 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM Register by visiting plainwell.revtrak.net/high-school/women-s-volleyball/volleyball-summer-camps/#/list. Register by today (May 25) to guarantee a t-shirt. Late registrations will be accepted up to the start of camp.
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
phs youth volleyball camp
VIRTUAL FIELD TRIP: Recently, the Plainwell Virtual and Hybrid students took a field trip to Plainwell’s Water Renewal Department where they learned about the water process for our community. Thank you to the City of Plainwell for providing this awesome learning opportunity for our students!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
virtual and hybrid students on field trip at the city of Plainwell
JUNIOR TROJAN BASKETBALL: Plainwell High School Boys Basketball is sponsoring a two-week Junior Summer League where each player will play in 12 games during the two weeks from July 25-29 (Middle School) and August 1-5 (High School). TWO PROGRAMS AVAILABLE: - 3rd/4th Basketball Fundamentals 8:15-9 AM /Games 9-10 AM - 5th/6th Basketball Fundamentals 11:15 AM-12PM /Games 12-1 PM Programs include fundamental training plus games against area schools. On August 5th, the last day of the league, there will be a single elimination tournament. Trophies given to the first-place team. Cost is $40 per player. To register, please visit plainwell.revtrak.net/high-school/summer-camp/summer-camps/.
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of basketball hoop with junior Trojan basketball written
SENIOR DRIVE: Tomorrow evening (Tuesday, May 24) at 8:30 PM is the Senior Drive Under the Stadium Lights. Please view the map for the route - enter at the stoplight and the staff will be available to direct you. At the end, park in the west parking lot and watch the senior slideshow outdoors. PHS ALUMNI - We encourage you to join us to support the Seniors & celebrate 150 years at Plainwell High School. Please park in the lot near Streidl Field, bring a sign with your graduation year and celebrate PHS with the Class of 2022! Thank you and have fun!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
map of phs
SUMMER YOUTHBALL SPONSORS NEEDED: The Community Recreation team is in need of Summer Youthball Sponsorships. Are you a local business that would be interested in sponsoring a team? Sponsorship opportunities are available for $100 per team, please respond by May 25. Interested in becoming a sponsor? Please visit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfFtmUnmkLLowVAop7umRrKGwiw-PtmK8GbZ78js0OuZctGFA/viewform?fbclid=IwAR0a9QpebFrq2g2R5Q6eiR6xtFbj5vDvstBQBvbHcoTwKgUTqN3-aB-mzgw to complete the sponsor form. Thank you in advance for your support of the 2022 Summer Youthball program! ⚾️
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of baseball with sponsor search written
FIFTH GRADE TRIP TO THE MIDDLE SCHOOL: On Friday, the 5th grade students from Cooper, Gilkey and Starr Elementary Schools visited the Middle School for lunch. The students got to meet with current 6th graders to ask questions to help prepare them for Middle School. It was a great experience for the 5th graders - thank you to the 6th grade students for taking the time to share about your experience in Middle School.
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of 5th grade students eating lunch  at the middle school
PHS BASEBALL: The PHS JV and Varsity Baseball games that were scheduled for today against Edwardsburg have been canceled due to weather.
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
phs baseball post
MIDDLE SCHOOL BAND: The 7th, 8th and Jazz Bands had an outstanding spring concert last night. The students did an exceptional job performing “Music Through the Decades”. Plainwell Pride!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
middle school band performing at their spring concert
COMMUNITY EDUCATION/RECREATION - LAKE DOSTER GOLF LESSONS Students ages 7-17 are invited to join us for summer golf lessons at Lake Doster. Lake Doster Golf Summer programs are for learning different aspects of the game of golf. The programs are fun for the novice as well as those who have experience! Each day will focus on a new golf skill while playing games. Clubs and balls are provided for participants that need them.   There are only 12 slots per session, so bring a friend and sign up early. To register, please click here. SCHEDULE: SESSION 1 JUNE 13- 16TH BEGINNERS 9:30 -10:30 AM INTERMEDIATE 11:00- 12:00 PM SESSION 2 JULY 11 -14TH BEGINNERS 9:30 -10:30 AM INTERMEDIATE 11:00- 12:00 PM For more information, please click here to view the Lake Doster Golf Lesson flyer.
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
Lake Doster Golf Lessons Graphic with golf club, green and tee with for beginners ages 7 to 15 and intermediate golfers 9 to 17 written
ROUSH MEMORIAL UPDATE: Safety was always the most important aspect of Rocket Club for Mr. Roush. Although the weather looks great for tomorrow (5/20) the wind speeds projected are too high to safely perform the rocket launch. We will be postponing the rocket launch until June 3rd. The memorial will continue as planned at 4:00 pm at the PAC. Thank you for you understand and continued support as we work hard to honor Mr. Roush.
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of rocket ship with Timothy Roush memorial event update
SENIOR PARADE: It was a great morning as the Class of 2022 had a parade through the Middle School and their elementary buildings. It was fun to cheer on our seniors and wish them well as they approach their last day of school and graduation. Go Trojans!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
class of 2022 students at senior parade