We are excited to announce that we will be reviving the Plainwell Education Foundation (PEF) and you are invited to join us! The PEF is a non-profit 501c3 organization founded in 1985 to assist PCS in providing excellence in education. The PEF supports all students and staff with teacher grants, student scholarships and other efforts. As a reminder, if you are interested in volunteering for this organization, please join us for an informational meeting tomorrow (Tuesday, September 26) at 6:00 PM in the PHS Media Center. If you are unable to attend, but interested in learning more, please email jeremy.wright@plainwellschools.org. Thank you for your ongoing support of PCS - GO TROJANS!
about 1 year ago, Plainwell Community Schools
Plainwell community schools - plainwell education foundation meeting - join us! attend our next meeting to learn about the PEF and how it supports the PCS teachers, staff and students! September 26 / 6 PM / Plainwell high school media center
We are excited to share the Plainwell Middle School Students of the Week! We are proud of your hard work and dedication. Way to go, Trojans! Vija (8th Grade) - Vija not only works hard to ensure she understands new material, but is also willing to help others. She consistently shows PRIDE in all that she does, no matter what is going on around her. Peyton (7th Grade) - Peyton has been very dedicated and positive with peers and her own work. She has shown passion for the subject and continuously strives to help out her classmates to understand material. Caiden (6th Grade) - Caiden has been a hard working student. He is a great leader and always willing to help others as well as share his knowledge in class. He comes prepared everyday ready to learn something new and loves showing Plainwell Pride. Caiden has done a fantastic job adjusting to the Middle School. Throughout the year, we look forward to continuing to share our outstanding Middle School Students of the Week! GO TROJANS! Special thanks to our Student of the Month sponsors: Fly Inn, Mayor's Joint, Barbed Wire Cafe and Taqueria San Francisco. We greatly appreciate your support of PCS and our students - Today’s Learners, Tomorrow’s Leaders!
about 1 year ago, Plainwell Community Schools
students of the week - plainwell middle school - students of the week - eighth- seventh - sixth
Join us next Tuesday (September 26) at the Plainwell Education Foundation Meeting to learn about the PEF and how it supports the PCS teachers, staff and students! The meeting will be held at 6:00 PM in the PHS Media Center.
about 1 year ago, Plainwell Community Schools
Plainwell community schools - plainwell education foundation meeting - join us! attend our next meeting to learn about the PEF and how it supports the PCS teachers, staff and students! September 26 / 6 PM / Plainwell high school media center
Students in Mr. Herbert’s 6th grade Tinkering Class have been working on building cars powered by mousetraps. Learning is fun for Today’s Learners, Tomorrow’s Leaders at Plainwell Middle School!
over 1 year ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of two students building a car powered by mousetraps
We are excited to share the Plainwell Middle School Students of the Week! We are proud of your hard work and dedication. Way to go, Trojans! Wyatt (8th Grade) - Wyatt is one of those students who always does what is expected of him, and he always does it with a positive attitude. He's not only a hardworking and respectful student, but he's a great person as well. He is kind, encouraging, and helpful to those around him, no matter who it is, and he isn't afraid to be himself. He is such a pleasure to know and to have in class. Henry (7th Grade) - Henry is always ready with an encouraging word for his peers He is kind, empathetic, and funny. Henry doesn't play favorites, he is nice to everyone who crosses his path. He is careful with the feelings of others and is sure to apologize if he feels he has hurt a peer's feelings. He manages all this while also doing his best work each day. Henry is a strong advocate for himself, knows when to ask for help and is quick to help others. He is thoughtful and respectful to his teachers. Henry makes any classroom he enters more kind and more fun. Violet (6th Grade) - Violet is a highly motivated student. She is willing to help her peers when they need help in class. She gives her absolute best effort when completing work. Throughout the year, we look forward to sharing our outstanding Middle School Students of the Week! GO TROJANS! Special thanks to our Student of the Month sponsors: Fly Inn, Mayor's Joint, Barbed Wire Cafe and Taqueria San Francisco. We greatly appreciate your support of PCS and our students - Today’s Learners, Tomorrow’s Leaders!
over 1 year ago, Plainwell Community Schools
students of the week - plainwell middle school - students of the week - eighth- seventh - sixth
On Friday, during the Varsity Football game against Sturgis, the PHS Cheer team held their Junior Cheer Night. Over 75 junior (K-8th grade) cheerleaders participated in cheering during the first quarter of the game. It was so much fun for our younger Trojans and an awesome night filled with Plainwell Pride!
over 1 year ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of group of junior cheerleaders
This week is the first week of TCB enrichment classes and clubs at the Middle School. Here are some snapshots of advanced woodworking, art club, eco club, sports skills and jazz band!
over 1 year ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of students in woodworking class
picture of student working on drawing in art class
picture of group of students working in a garden
picture of group of students in band class
Attention Trojan Fans! The 2023 Rivalry Football Game against Otsego HS is on Friday, October 6 at 7:00 PM. Mark your calendar to join us to support the Trojans at Otsego HS for the big game! Need some new gear? B & C Trophy created special "Beat Otsego" apparel, let's show our Trojan Pride and support their "Rivalry Contest". Visit https://ohsphsrivalry.itemorder.com/shop/sale/?fbclid=IwAR2XkEzyeiNLk6c7fE6BAG-Xrd_3YTJG5h2o3rwm2ZKhHzcCNPENni0WAjQ to order today! The winning district will receive $3.00 per shirt purchased.
over 1 year ago, Plainwell Community Schools
Registration is still open for several of our Youth Programs! To learn more about these programs or to complete your student's registration, please visit plainwellschools.org/page/youth-programs. REGISTRATION DEADLINES: - Junior Cheer Night registration closes 9/14 - Sharp Shooters Basketball registration closes 9/15 - Spikers Volleyball registration closes 9/29 - Tae Kwon Do registration closes 9/30
over 1 year ago, Plainwell Community Schools
New this year! We are excited to share that Plainwell Middle School will be honoring a Student of the Week for each grade level. This week kicks-off the first student of the week for the 2023/24 school year and we are happy to share that the following students were selected: Gibson Pettit (8th Grade) - Gibson has started the 2023-2024 school year off strong. He always has a positive attitude and is a consistent role model for other students. Evi Coutu (7th Grade) - Evi has shown Plainwell P.R.I.D.E. everyday so far this year. She always has a positive attitude in class and is always giving her personal best in classroom activities. Joshua Preuss (6th Grade) - Joshua has adapted to middle school quickly. He is always working hard on his school work. We really appreciate his willingness to help others out. Way to go, Trojans! We are proud of your hard work at Plainwell Middle School. Throughout the year, we look forward to sharing these outstanding students each week! GO TROJANS!
over 1 year ago, Plainwell Community Schools
students of the week - plainwell middle school - students of the week - eighth- seventh - sixth
Students at Plainwell Middle School learned about the 9/11 attacks today. They listened to teachers and administrators tell about their own memories of 9/11 (pictured are Mrs. Ramsey, Mrs. Murphy and Mr. Montange).
over 1 year ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of students during a presentation
Construction continues on the new Trojan pool and gymnasium. It’s so exciting to see the progress and imagine this future facility, which is on track to open Fall 2024! Our continued thanks for voting “YES” on the 2019 Bond Proposal! We appreciate our community’s support of Today’s Learners, Tomorrow’s Leaders! Plainwell Pride!
over 1 year ago, Plainwell Community Schools
drone picture of bond construction of new pool and gym
The Middle School 7th and 8th grade Volleyball teams played against Otsego last night. Both teams played great and had close games! Congratulations to the 7th grade team on their win! We are proud of these student-athletes for their hard work in and out of the classroom - GO TROJANS!
over 1 year ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of middle school volleyball team in huddle
Plainwell Community Schools is hiring! Join our amazing team where you will support Today's Learners & Tomorrow's Leaders as a Bus Driver. To apply, please scan the QR code or for more information about employment at PCS, please visit https://www.plainwellschools.org/page/join-our-team.
over 1 year ago, Plainwell Community Schools
Plainwell community schools - we are hiring - join our amazing team - position bus drivers - apply now scan me - QR code
It was a great first week at PCS! At the Middle School, teachers had their students work on several team building activities to help build strong relationships. It’s great to be a Trojan!
over 1 year ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of group of middle school students doing a team building activity
As a reminder, we have two upcoming no school days: Friday, September 1 and Monday, September 4. We look forward to welcoming our students back to school on Tuesday, September 5. Have a great weekend and GO TROJANS!
over 1 year ago, Plainwell Community Schools
reminder reminder reminder reminder reminder - no school reminder - as a reminder, we have to upcoming no school days - Friday, September 1 and Monday, September 4. Have a great weekend, Trojans! - got it - close
Attention PCS K-8th graders! You are invited to join us for the 2023 Junior Cheer Night! Participants will have the opportunity to practice and learn from the PHS Cheer team (9/14) and cheer during the first quarter of the Varsity Home Football game (9/15). To register, please scan the QR code or visit https://plainwell.revtrak.net/high-school/cheer-fest/.
over 1 year ago, Plainwell Community Schools
plainwell community schools - home of the Trojans - junior cheer night
Registration closes today (8/31) for our upcoming Love and Logic Parenting Classes! These classes are available to any PCS family (present or future) at the Plainwell Performing Arts Center. Class will run for six weeks on Thursday evenings (September 14, 21, 28 and October 5, 12, 19). Childcare will be provided. Cost is $10 (per workbook). Register today by scanning the QR code or by visiting https://plainwell.revtrak.net/Community-Ed-Rec/.
over 1 year ago, Plainwell Community Schools
plainwell community schools - love and logo parenting classes
WELCOME BACK! It was a great day at PCS as we welcomed back our students for the 2023/24 school year! It was awesome to see our classrooms and hallways filled with students who are eager and ready to learn. We are looking forward to a great year at PCS - GO TROJANS! SMILE...we would love to see your back to school pictures. Thank you to all that have already shared your back to school photos. If you are interested in sharing your first day photos, please email elizabeth.gallagher@plainwellschools.org today - we may feature them on an upcoming social media post and/or in one of our upcoming district publications.
over 1 year ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of students playing on playground
We are excited to welcome the PCS students back to school tomorrow (Monday, August 28) for a half day. We look forward to seeing the Trojans back in the buildings to begin a great year of learning! PCS Families - please check your email for back to school information, reminders and updated transportation information. SMILE...we would love to see your back to school pictures. Please post them here or email elizabeth.gallagher@plainwellschools.org to share your student's first day of school photos with us - we may even feature them on social media and/or in one of our upcoming district publications. Wishing our students, staff and families a great 2023/24 school year - GO TROJANS!
over 1 year ago, Plainwell Community Schools
Plainwell community schools - back to school tomorrow - we can’t wIt to welcome our students back to school tomorrow (Monday, august 28 - half day) - half day dismissal times - plainwell middle school at 10:45, plainwell high school at 10:45 am, Rena