Many of our classes worked on projects today to honor Veterans Day, including Mrs. VanGoeye’s second grade class at Starr Elementary. With respect and gratitude, today we honor all that have bravely served in the military. From all of us at PCS, thank you for your service! 🇺🇸
about 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of class holding up artwork
TAX CREDIT OPPORTUNITY & UPCOMING WORKSHOPS: Attention Plainwell Parents! Have you heard, families with no income or low income could get at least $3,000 (per child) with the Child Tax Credit, plus $1,400 with the third stimulus payment - even if they have never filed taxes before! In order to receive this assistance, you must complete an easy online form by November 15, 2022. Need assistance? Join us for a workshop to learn more or to receive assistance with completing the online form. Two workshops available at the Ransom District Library: - Monday, November 14 from 10 AM-6 PM - Tuesday, November 15 from 10 AM-4:30 PM For more information on this tax credit opportunity or to complete the form, please visit: - English: - Espanol: For questions, please contact Tammy Glupker (District Outreach Coordinator) at or Kelli Stuifbergen (Early Education Coordinator) at
about 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
We are currently experiencing a phone outage throughout the district. If you need immediate assistance, please email your student's building office staff or administrator.
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
plainwell community schools - phone outage at PCS - Friday, November 11
PCS Families - please check your email or visit for the 2022 School Delay and Closure Procedure letter from Superintendent Montange.
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
pcs letter - Plainwell community schools - letter from the district - stay connected -
Students in Mr. Herbert’s Michigan Exploration have been learning about outdoor photography. It’s amazing to see the student’s creativity and eye for detail in these images taken throughout the Middle School property. Beautiful work, Trojans!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
exterior picture of plainwell middle school - picture taken by pms student
Earlier today, several Plainwell Middle School students were selected to take part in the Middle School Honors Band. Students were selected from all over Southwest Michigan and put together a concert in just one day! We are so proud of our students, great job Trojans! We are also so thankful to our band directors for their hard work and dedication to provide our students with the best musical opportunities! 🎶 Plainwell Pride!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of Plainwell middle school honors band students with band directors
We are just one day away from the November 8, 2022 election where Plainwell Community Schools’ voters will have the opportunity to vote on an Operating Millage "Headlee override" Proposal. Please review these frequently asked questions to get an understanding of how this Proposal will affect you including: - What is this proposal? In May 2014, the Plainwell community voted to collect the full 18 mills on non-homestead properties within our district through 2022. With property values increasing in our community, Headlee dropped the school’s millage rate below the 18 mill maximum. This “Headlee Override” proposal will allow Plainwell Community Schools to continue to collect the full 18 mills voters previously approved in May 2014, instead of a rolled-back amount of 17.0298. Without the override, the district will lose over $130,000 of operating revenue each year. - Will my residential taxes increase? No. This tax does not apply to your primary residence, this tax is only for non-homestead properties. - Is this a new tax? No. This millage was originally approved by the voters in May 2014. The district has voter approval to levy 18 mills on non-homestead property through 2022, so this would be a continuation of the previously approved proposal. - How could this affect PCS? Without the override, the district will lose over $130,000 of operating revenue each year. The state will not replace the funding and the district will be forced to make reductions in other areas to offset the loss. More information, FAQ’s and ballot language available by scanning the QR code or by visiting Your vote matters! Vote tomorrow - November 8, 2022!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
plainwell community schools - operating millage proposal
TAC CANCELED 11/7: Attention PCS Families with students in TAC! Due to a mechanical issue at the PCS Pool, all Trojan Aquatic Club practices have been canceled tonight (Monday, November 7). We hope to see our students back at the pool tomorrow!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
practice canceled November 7 - TAC Trojan Aquatic Club - Practice canceled tonight (Monday, November 7)
Due to the PCS Pool being shut down, all Trojan Aquatic Club (TAC) practices have been canceled tonight (Monday, November 7). We hope to see our students back at the pool tomorrow!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
practice canceled November 7 - TAC Trojan Aquatic Club - Practice is canceled tonight (Monday, November 7)
Congratulations to Kathy VanGoeye who was selected as the Otsego-Plainwell Area Chamber of Commerce Educator of the Year! Last night, she was presented with the award by Mrs. Kari Luckett (Starr Principal) at an award ceremony at the Chamber of Commerce, where Mrs. Luckett shared some highlights of Mrs. VanGoeye's career: Mrs. VanGoeye has been a teacher at Plainwell Community Schools for over 30 years, where she has most recently taught second grade at Starr Elementary. Not only is she an outstanding and dynamic teacher, but she also serves as Union Co-President for the district. If you know Mrs. VanGoeye or if you've had the opportunity to have her as a teacher, then you know that there is not a better representative of Plainwell Schools, as she sets an example daily of hard work, dedication and unending passion for education. Mrs. VanGoeye epitomizes the best we have to offer at PCS and we are so thankful for her dedication to our students, staff and our district - from all of us at PCS, congratulations to Kathy VanGoeye on this well deserved award! Plainwell Pride!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of Starr second grade teachers and principal
We are just a few days away from the November 8, 2022 election where Plainwell Community Schools’ voters will have the opportunity to vote on an Operating Millage "Headlee override" Proposal. Please review these frequently asked questions to get an understanding of how this Proposal will affect you including: - Will my residential taxes increase? No. This tax does not apply to your primary residence, this tax is only for non-homestead properties. - Is this a new tax? No. This millage was originally approved by the voters in May 2014. The district has voter approval to levy 18 mills on non-homestead property through 2022, so this would be a continuation of the previously approved proposal. For more information, FAQ’s and ballot language, please scan the QR code or visit YOUR VOTE MATTERS - vote November 8, 2022!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
plainwell community schools - operating millage proposal
Recently, Sarah Lagenour, a 10th grader at PHS completed a wall mural painting at Plainwell Middle School. This is an original design she painted while she was a student at PMS for their yearbook cover in 2019/2020. The mural painting is proudly displayed on the stage in the cafeteria and turned out beautifully! Next up, she will be painting another wall mural of her 2020/21 yearbook cover to add to the collection at PMS. Sarah’s art skills are absolutely incredible and we are thankful that she shared her talents for all to enjoy for years to come at PMS - Trojan Pride!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of student standing in front of her wall mirror painting at PMS
TAC REGISTRATION & SWIM TEST: Join us TONIGHT (11/2) from 6-7 PM for the 2022-23 Trojan Aquatic Club (TAC) registration and swim test! The Winter TAC program will begin Monday, November 7. If your student is new to TAC, they must take a swim test. The test will take place during registration tonight (11/2) from 6-7 PM. Participants must be able to confidently swim one length of the pool, on top of the water without assistance to participate in the TAC program. For more information, please visit We look forward to kicking off a great winter TAC season!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
TAC - Trojan Aquatic Club - Reminder! Registration & swim test - Wednesday, November 2
OPERATING MILLAGE PROPOSAL: We are just a week away from the November 8, 2022 election where Plainwell Community Schools’ voters will have the opportunity to vote on an Operating Millage "Headlee override" Proposal. Please review these frequently asked questions to get an understanding of how this Proposal will affect you including: - What is this proposal? In May 2014, the Plainwell community voted to collect the full 18 mills on non-homestead properties within our district through 2022. With property values increasing in our community, Headlee dropped the school’s millage rate below the 18 mill maximum. This “Headlee Override” proposal will allow Plainwell Community Schools to continue to collect the full 18 mills voters previously approved in May 2014, instead of a rolled-back amount of 17.0298. Without the override, the district will lose over $130,000 of operating revenue each year. For more FAQ’s, information and the ballot language, please scan the QR code or visit YOUR VOTE MATTERS - vote November 8, 2022!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
plainwell community schools - operating millage proposal
TAEKWONDO: Join us for the upcoming TaeKwonDo program to improve coordination, gain strength and increase your flexibility while learning self-defense techniques, taught by Master Huong Tran. Program runs on Monday evenings from November 21-February 27 from 5:30-7:00 pm at the Middle School Cafeteria. To register, please visit
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
tae kwon do - with master Huang Tran
TAEKWONDO: Join us for the upcoming TaeKwonDo program to improve coordination, gain strength and increase your flexibility while learning self-defense techniques, taught by Master Huong Tran. Program runs on Monday evenings from November 21-February 27 from 5:30-7:00 pm at the Middle School Cafeteria. To register, please visit
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
MIDDLE SCHOOL ALL-SCHOOL PARTY: Plainwell Middle School held their first all-school party of the year. Students had a fun afternoon with swimming, crafts, activities, open gym, dancing and snacks. A special thanks to the Parents Group for putting together an awesome event for our Middle School students - the event was a hit!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
students looking at prizes at all school party
PRINCIPAL’S MONTH: October is National Principals Month and we couldn't end this month without recognizing our amazing building administrators. At PCS, we are incredibly fortunate to have eight amazing principals that work hard each and every day to provide the very best for their students and staff. They are outstanding leaders and we are so grateful for their dedication to PCS! - Jeremy Wright (High School Principal) - Debra Beals (High School Assistant Principal) - Tasia Stamos (Middle School Principal) - Ben Manting (Middle School Assistant Principal) - Heidi Huizenga (Renaissance High School Principal) - Nicole Keorkunian (Cooper Elementary Principal) - Rebecca Bilodeau (Gilkey Elementary Principal) - Kari Luckett (Starr Elementary Principal) From all of us at PCS - THANK YOU!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
Plainwell community schools - principals month thank you -
HAPPY HALLOWEEN: Boo to you from the PCS crew! Wishing our students, families and community a safe, fun and Happy Halloween! 🎃
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
plainwell community schools - boo to you from the Pcs crew - happy Halloween - wishing you a safe, fun and happy Halloween
GILKEY STUDENT OF THE MONTH: This morning, Gilkey Elementary held their October Student and Staff of the Month ceremony. Each month, Gilkey teachers will select one student and a staff member who they felt did an outstanding job throughout the month. In October, the students who were selected did an awesome job being creative. Way to go, Geckos!
over 2 years ago, Plainwell Community Schools
picture of group of students who were students of the month