TROJAN FOOTBALL: Plainwell High School Varsity Football kicks-off their season against Otsego HS this week on Thursday, August 25 at 7 PM (gates open at 6 PM) at Bulldog Stadium. Join us to cheer on the Trojans in their season opening game. Please make note of the following information for game day:
- There is currently construction at Otsego by their high school and stadium. Please review the helpful guide (included in the post) of where to go throughout the contest.
- Tickets must be purchased digitally, no cash sales. Please visit https://www.otsegops.org/athletics/tickets to purchase your tickets today!
- Spectators will enter through the main stadium entrance and will have to go down the east ramp to the track and walk up to the visitor bleachers.

TROJAN FOOTBALL: Plainwell High School Varsity Football kicks-off their season against Otsego HS this week on Thursday, August 25 at 7 PM (gates open at 6 PM) at Bulldog Stadium. Join us to cheer on the Trojans in their season opening game. Please make note of the following information for game day:
- There is currently construction at Otsego by their high school and stadium. Please review the helpful guide (included in the post) of where to go throughout the contest.
- Tickets must be purchased digitally, no cash sales. Please visit https://www.otsegops.org/athletics/tickets to purchase your tickets today!
- Spectators will enter through the main stadium entrance and will have to go down the east ramp to the track and walk up to the visitor bleachers.

2022/23 ATHLETIC TICKET OPTIONS: We are happy to share the 2022/23 PCS Athletic Ticket Options with you. There are several ticket options available to join us at an upcoming Trojan athletic event. We look forward to a great fall sports season, GO TROJANS!
1. Student Pass - $23 + one time finance fee
- 6th-12th grade PCS Students
- Use all year for both middle and high school sports
2. Individual All Sports Pass - $93
- Available for high school and middle school games, with the exception of league and MHSAA Tournaments
- One person per pass
3. Family Pass - $163
- Available for high school and middle school games, with the exception of league and MHSAA Tournaments
- Family pass for those living at home, preschool to high school students
4. 10 digital swipe pass - $38 + one time finance fee
- Available for high school and middle school games, with the exception of league and MHSAA Tournaments
- Able to use all year long
5. Elementary Student Swipe Pass - $33 (K-5th grade)
- Must be accompanied by an adult
- Able to use all year long at high school and middle school events, with the exception of league and MHSAA Tournaments
6. Individual Event Tickets - $5 for adults and $3 for K-12 students
7. Grandparents or Gold Card Accepted
8. Conference Passes (Coaches, Admin and BOE)
9. POS (Point of Sale) system is available at gates to swipe debit and credit cards. Visa gift cards are not accepted at Point of Sale systems. NO CASH. If you don’t have a credit card, you can purchase a visa gift card at most stores and then buy an online ticket through PHStrojans.com.

Happy Kidneyversary to Julie Jackson and Sandy Blake! Not all heroes wear capes, and this statement couldn’t be any truer for two of our very own Trojans, as on August 19, 2021, one heroically helped another by donating her kidney. When Mrs. Julie Jackson, an aide at Starr Elementary, heard that her former neighbor and retired PCS teacher was in search of a kidney donation, she instantly knew she needed to help! Although Mrs. Jackson wasn’t a suitable match through the National Kidney Registry, she continued the pursuit to offer her kidney to Sandy Blake, a former Science teacher at Plainwell Middle School, through a Kidney Paired Donation (KPD) - “In KPD, a donor will donate their kidney to another recipient in exchange for a compatible kidney for their friend or family member”.
The journey started when they agreed to the KPD process and testing began…but for Julie, the kidney donation process began decades ago, when her father received a kidney transplant when she was in high school. This transplant was a gift to her father and their family, which extended his life over 31 years and put a stamp on Julie’s heart to give back. With her family’s transplant history and her good health, Julie knew she had to take the opportunity to help a fellow Trojan!
After agreeing to the process, the Kidney Paired Donation journey took over two years and included testing and other preparations for the KPD. Upon receiving the call, on August 19, 2021, the paired donation process was underway, which required donations from Grand Rapids (Julie), to New Jersey, to Washington DC and back to Grand Rapids where Sandy received her donated kidney. The process all took place in one day and within those 24 hours, the process was complete, two lives were changed and healing began.
As if the Trojan spirit didn’t shine enough, the story continues as Julie is now helping other approved donation candidates and through this mentorship she was randomly paired with Jennifer (Stoepker) Jura. Jennifer is a Plainwell Community Schools graduate who was fortunate to have Sandy Blake as a teacher and has now become a science teacher - just like Mrs. Blake!
If ever there is a doubt of how strong the PCS community is, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Blake and Mrs. Jura are proof that once you have the strength of a Trojan, you will always carry it with you! Trojan Pride!
If you would like more information on Kidney Paired Donation, please visit kidneyregistry.org.

2022/23 ATHLETIC TICKET OPTIONS: We are happy to share the 2022/23 PCS Athletic Ticket Options with you. There are several ticket options available to join us at an upcoming Trojan athletic event. We look forward to a great fall sports season, GO TROJANS!
1. Student Pass - $23 + one time finance fee
- 6th-12th grade PCS Students
- Use all year for both middle and high school sports
2. Individual All Sports Pass - $93
- Available for high school and middle school games, with the exception of league and MHSAA Tournaments
- One person per pass
3. Family Pass - $163
- Available for high school and middle school games, with the exception of league and MHSAA Tournaments
- Family pass for those living at home, preschool to high school students
4. 10 digital swipe pass - $38 + one time finance fee
- Available for high school and middle school games, with the exception of league and MHSAA Tournaments
- Able to use all year long
5. Elementary Student Swipe Pass - $33 (K-5th grade)
- Must be accompanied by an adult
- Able to use all year long at high school and middle school events, with the exception of league and MHSAA Tournaments
6. Individual Event Tickets - $5
7. Grandparents or Gold Card Accepted
8. Conference Passes (Coaches, Admin and BOE)
9. POS (Point of Sale) system is available at gates to swipe debit and credit cards. Visa gift cards are not accepted at Point of Sale systems. NO CASH. If you don’t have a credit card, you can purchase a visa gift card at most stores and then buy an online ticket through PHStrojans.com.

TRANSPORTATION UPDATE: We are excited to begin the 2022/23 school year on Monday, August 29. Please take a moment to review these updates from our Transportation Department:
1. Bus route information will be shared on Friday, August 26.
2. If you had a bus stop last year and do not have a designated stop listed on the 2022/23 transportation route list, your student can use their same bus stop from last year to be picked-up and dropped off.
3. If you did not have a stop last year, you can still ride the bus. You will need to find a stop closest to you on the first day of school and then we will work on adding your stop to the bus route.
We look forward to another great year at PCS, Go Trojans!

MIDDLE SCHOOL FOOTBALL: Do you love football? Have you ever considered coaching? We have a great opportunity for you to join PCS as the Middle School Football Coach! For questions or more information, please contact taylor.termeer@plainwellschools.org.

SUMMER OUTINGS: This summer, Plainwell's Community Education department hosted a special Summer Outings program where students had fun-filled days of adventure for students in grades 3-8th traveling to local attractions to experience many new things! Students in the Wednesday group went to Binder Park Zoo, Charlton Park and Holland's Dutch Village while students in the Thursday group visited the Gilmore Car Museum and Air Zoo. The Summer Outing students had a great time on their adventures while exploring and learning.

PCS SAFE IS HIRING: Plainwell Community Schools is now hiring a self-starting individual to work at their before & after school and summer SAFE program. The position is perfect for college students with daytime classes or someone looking for a split schedule.
- Be available 6:30 AM - 8:30 AM // 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM (split shift)
- Possess a high School diploma or equivalent
- Morning responsibilities will include planning and implementing activities for children ages K-5th grade before the start of school
- Afternoon responsibilities will include planning and implementing activities for children ages K-5th grade after the end of the school day
- Summer responsibilities will include planning and implementing age specific activities, supervising swimming and water play, attending field trips weekly, etc.
- Desire and skills to make life fun and safe for elementary school children necessary
- Ability to work well with others, take direction when needed, and take the lead when needed
- Must be able to communicate efficiently and effectively with both parents and children. - Additional hours available to those willing to work all student days, 1⁄2 days, non-student days, and snow days.
- Willingness to complete 24 hours training per year as required by Childcare Licensing
- CPR certified or willing to become certified upon hire
plainwellschools.org - menu - pcs employment opportunities

MEET IN THE MIDDLE: It was a great evening at our 2022 Meet in the Middle event! We look forward to welcoming our 6th grade students to Middle School on Monday, August 29! Go Trojans!

MIDDLE SCHOOL FALL ATHLETICS: We look forward to a great fall athletic season with our Middle School Trojans! If you have a student participating in a MS fall sport, please make note of the following information:
6th, 7th and 8th Graders
- Cross Country: Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7-8 PM at Plainwell Middle School
- MS Boys Soccer Tryouts: Thursday, August18 from 6:00-7:30 PM at 8th Street Soccer Fields
7th and 8th Graders ONLY
- Volleyball Open Gyms: Monday, August 15 from 5-7 PM and Tuesday, August 16 from 5-7 PM at Plainwell Middle School Gym
- MS Football Practice: Monday, August 22 from 3:30-5:30 PM at Streidl Field (time will be emailed to parents next week).
Official Practices will start August 22 (unless coaches communicate otherwise). Emails have been sent to everyone who has signed-up for a Middle School fall sport. If you have not received an email regarding fallsports, please contact Taylor.termeer@plainwellschools.org to be added to the sign-up/contact list.
We wish our MS fall athletes a great season - GO TROJANS!

BUILDING OFFICE HOURS: Our Building Offices are open to assist you with your back to school questions, work permit requests or to provide information about PCS. Please see the current hours for each building (normal office hours will resume on August 29):
- Open Monday-Friday from 7:00 AM-3:30 PM
- Open Monday-Friday from 6:30 AM-3:00 PM
COOPER ELEMENTARY (269-349-2674):
- Open Monday-Friday from 7:45 AM-4:15 PM
GILKEY ELEMENTARY (269-685-2424):
- Open Monday-Friday from 7:30 AM -4:00 PM
STARR ELEMENTARY (269-685-5835):
- Open Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM -3:00 PM
RENAISSANCE (269-685-1573):
- Open Tuesday-Thursday from 8:00 AM -2:00 PM
- Open Monday-Friday from 7:30 AM -4:00 PM
We look forward to welcoming our students back to school on Monday, August 29 (half day). Go Trojans!

ATHLETIC TRANSPORTATION SURVEY: Attention families of Middle and High School athletes, please take a moment to complete the following survey to determine the best possible plan to support needs for athletic transportation.
Go Trojans!

MIDDLE SCHOOL VOLLEYBALL: Do you love volleyball? Have you ever considered coaching? We have a great opportunity for you to join PCS as the Middle School Volleyball Coach! For questions or more information, please contact taylor.termeer@plainwellschools.org.

MIDDLE SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: Middle School families, please mark your calendar to join us for the 2022 Open House on Tuesday, August 23 from 5:30-7 PM.
- 6th graders can meet their teachers and take a tour of the school.
- 7th and 8th graders can meet their teachers, tour the school, pick-up schedules, receive locker assignments and pick-up Chromebooks.
We look forward to welcoming the Middle School students for the 2022-23 school year beginning Monday, August 29! Go Trojans!

MEET IN THE MIDDLE: Incoming 6th graders, please mark your calendar to join us on Wednesday, August 17 for Meet in the Middle. The drop-in orientation event will be held from 4-7 PM. Students can pick-up schedules, receive locker assignments & Chromebooks, tour the Middle School and take school pictures. More information will be shared with families. We look forward to welcoming our 6th graders to Plainwell Middle School!

FALL TROJAN ATHLETICS: Attention parents/guardians of Fall 2022 athletes, please see the following reminders to all Middle and High School students planning on participating in a fall sport.
- As a rule set by the MHSAA, physicals must to be dated after April 15, 2022.
- To submit required MHSAA and PCS athletic forms, all athletes/parents/guardians must first register online through Big Teams. To access forms and upload your athlete's physical you must register for a Big Teams account by visiting phstrojans.com and clicking the "Online Registration" box located on the right side of the webpage.
- If you already have a Big Teams account, please log-in to your account, update your forms and upload the athlete’s physical.
- If you attended the physicals in June at Otsego, we have your physical which will be uploaded to your account.
- We will not accept paper copies of your physical form.
- If you are still in need of a physical, you can go to WellNow in Plainwell.
- High School Fall Sports begin Monday, August 8 and Middle School Fall Sports begin Monday, August 22.
- If you haven’t registered on Big Teams or do not have a physical, you can attend tryouts but will not be allowed to participate until your account and forms are completed.
If you have any questions, please email your Athletic Director: High School - melissa.preston@plainwellschools.org / Middle School - taylor.termeer@plainwellschools.org.
Thank you and Go Trojans!

SAIL ADVENTURE: Last week, the Summer Adventure in Learning 5-12th grade students took a field trip to the Gilmore Car Museum. They explored and learned about the history of the American automobile. It was a great day and fun adventure for these students!

SUMMER ADVENTURE IN LEARNING PROJECT: Students in Ms. Reeber's 6th grade class in our Summer Adventure in Learning (SAIL) program have been working on a fun and educational project this summer. Each student picked a National Park and then planned all the details of traveling to the park - from budgeting, to organizing, to planning - the students had to navigate through their journey to visit their selected location. They completed the project by creating some outstanding dioramas representing their National Park. What a great project for these students as they SAIL through summer!

PCS 2022/23 SCHOOL YEAR FOOD SERVICE: We are happy to share our 2022/23 School Year Food Service and Free & Reduced meal information with you. For information on our upcoming Food Service Program please visit https://www.plainwellschools.org/page/food-program-details.
Think your child might qualify for free or reduced lunch? You might be surprised that your child qualifies for (at least) a reduced lunch rate! It takes just a few minutes to apply and can help ensure the district gets the funding it needs for at-risk students. To apply, please visit https://5il.co/1cdlb.
We look forward to welcoming the students back to school on Monday, August 29 (half day). Go Trojans!